Friday 25 December 2015


This Article covers all you need to know about the Origin of Christmas, its customs and Origin of some of the activities during the Christmas season. Its all about Christmas.

Saturday 19 December 2015


                                                                    THE WORLD
    The world is a very large entity comprising of so many countries. The Population size and land mass of the World is determined by the summary of these many countries that make up the world. Even though there has been disputes with respect to the actual figure of the number of countries in the world due to the continuous divisions in countries that suddenly found nothing in common between the various entities that they are made up of, the continent distribution system has to some extent been reliable.

Monday 14 December 2015

Hey Buddy!! Speaking About Oneself Has Never Been This Easy, Get the Essentials

       Speech, an important skill which everyone ought to develop to cope with the challenges we face everyday. This is an unavoidable activity, i.e as long as there is a need to express oneself, speech remains a very important medium. We find the need to speak in almost all of our day to day activities ranging from Job finding, Project defense in the final years of schooling, carrying out any form of public functions, exercising and proclaiming ones civic rights, giving an opening  and closing remark, to mention a few,  thus the need to develop this very important skill called speech.

         And as courtesy would have it, one does not speak about anything without first of all introducing themselves thus the need for a set of procedures to follow to give a precise but detailed information about oneself.

        The following gives the list of steps to giving full detailed information about oneself in a short period of time. Its usage depends on the requirement for the introduction, therefore one should use as much as is needed for the event of the introduction and skip the unnecessary ones as giving unimportant information about oneself may bore the audience.
1. Greeting
2. Name
3. Introduction of the topic of discussion
4. Family Background
5. Native place
6. Date of Birth and Place of birth
7. Languages known
8. Secondary school graduation
9. Tertiary Institution Graduation
10. Career Objective
    -Nature of Job
    -Nature of organization
    -Contribution to the society
    -Work experience
11. Goals
12. Strengths
13. Hobbies
14. Technical skills
15. Industries and Tourist Areas visited
16. Activities i.e at Leisure
         These are the few steps which when developed make a full self introduction.

 Watch out for other tips like this and don't forget to drop your comments as they are the only means through which I can hear from you.

Thursday 10 December 2015

21 things I wish I knew at 21

1. Learn to love mistakes
Always remember to learn from your mistakes—and keep growing. Don’t doubt yourself so much. One day you’ll be able look back on your “oops” moments and laugh at them. They are inevitable.

2. Say yes often.
Sometimes stepping outside of your comfort zone and trying something new can be terrifying. But learn to say yes more. It’ll help you to open up, try new things—and bring you new opportunities.
3. Less is more.
Don’t try to be a jack-of-all-trades. Focus on being really good at just a few things. Hard work is wasted when it’s scattered in too many directions. 
4. Tell people how you feel.
If someone hurt your feelings, be honest with them. If you’re having an incredible date with someone and it feels absolutely perfect, let them know what you’re thinking. When you hang up the phone with Mom or Dad, tell them “I love you.” Life’s too short not to say it—and you may never really know when you’ll have the opportunity to say how you feel again.

5. Learn to love change.
The one thing you can count on is change. It will happen, and you can’t avoid it. It won’t always be easy, but change happens for a reason. Learn to be OK with it.
6. You don’t have as much to lose as you think.
Oftentimes, fear of loss is what prevents us from pursuing our dreams. When you’re right out of college, you don’t have much to lose. Why not start that business you always wanted? I guarantee you, your worst-case scenario is not that bad. And moving back in with Mom and Dad isn’t the end of the world.
7. Stop worrying so much about what other people think.
Letting the opinions of your peers influence your decisions is one of the worst things you can do. You’ll realize later just how foolish it was. The only thing that is important is what you think and feel about yourself. And remember:
8. Be honest with yourself and others.
Always be true to yourself and others. Period. Honesty gives you peace of mind, and peace of mind is priceless. Relationships built on the foundation of lies won’t last.
9. Meet as many new people as you can.
It may not always be clear to you, but the people you meet can help you. Treat everyone like you’d like to be treated and be willing to make new friends. The world is smaller than you think. You’ll be amazed at who is connected to whom.
10. Find time to be alone.
Being alone can be wonderful. Make time for you to hang out with you. Be your own best friend—take yourself out to lunch, take yourself out to a movie, go on a trip alone. I know, the thought of being alone can be overwhelming and scary. But you’ll learn a lot about yourself by just hanging out with you.
11. Learn to ask great questions.
You don’t know everything and odds are you’ll find yourself around people who are a lot smarter than you. Stay curious and ask great questions. Listen more than you talk and keep asking. Some people have incredible stories and lessons to give to you. You just have to willing to ask.
12. Leverage what you’ve got.
Stevie Wonder can’t see, but he has an exceptional ear for music. He exploited that talent and his passion for music. Today he has 25 Grammy awards to show for it. Learn to work with what you’ve got instead of complaining about your situation.
13. Make people feel good.
Never underestimate the power of a simple compliment. Make the people around you feel good, and the world will return the favor. People seem to have a way of remembering the people who made them feel special.
14. Invest in yourself.
Never. Stop. Learning. Yes, school ends at some point, but life is a journey, and if you’re not growing, you’re dying. Learn a new skill, read a new book, learn a language, take a class, learn to dance, learn to play an instrument. It doesn’t matter what you do as long as you invest in yourself and you keep growing.
15. Find something challenging you love doing.
Find something that you’re passionate about and that challenges you. You’ll feel the most rewarded when you do.
16. Learn to love yourself.
You can’t possibly live a fulfilled life until you learn to love yourself completely. When you look in the mirror, tell yourself you’re handsome, or beautiful. Say it often. You’re unique and no one looks quite like you. Embrace it. Love it. Other people will only love you more for it.
17. “Send the elevator back down.” –Kevin Spacey
Once you find yourself in a position to help bring others up to where you are, send the elevator back down. It can be lonely at the top. Help others get to where you are. Mentor, give back, contribute.
18. Enjoy the journey.
We all have goals and aspirations. You’re probably working toward something right now. Achieving what you’ve been working for can be anticlimactic, so learn to love the journey and appreciate all the little failures and wins. You’ll wish you’d stayed in the moment more once you’ve “made it.”
19. It’s you versus you. That’s it.
Stop comparing yourself to others. You might never be the strongest person in the gym, the richest guy on a Forbes list or the fastest guy in the marathon. If that upsets you, you’re missing the point. Instead, concentrate on being better today than you were yesterday. If you keep doing that, you’ll be successful. It may not happen right away, but if you stay focused on improving just a little every day, you’ll amaze yourself.
20. Take big risks.
Go after what you want. Quit your job. Jump out of an airplane. Start a business. Walk up to the beautiful girl eating lunch alone and say hi. You won’t always succeed, but you won’t always fail, either.
21. Rediscover who you were born to be and be that.
Somewhere along the line we forget what made us come alive as kids—the things that used to make us feel amazing. Some of us are born to be writers, poets, musicians, artists or entrepreneurs. Take the time to relearn what makes you feel alive and do more of that. Don’t waste your life fulfilling someone else’s dreams. What the world needs is more people doing what they love.
Life is short but incredible. Wake up and enjoy the ride.
“My father says that almost the whole world is asleep. Everybody you know. Everybody you see. Everybody you talk to. He says that only a few people are awake and they live in a state of constant total amazement.” –Joe Versus the Volcano
. Learn to love mistakes.
Always remember to learn from your mistakes—and keep growing. Don’t doubt yourself so much. One day you’ll be able look back on your “oops” moments and laugh at them. They are inevitable.
2. Say yes often.
Sometimes stepping outside of your comfort zone and trying something new can be terrifying. But learn to say yes more. It’ll help you to open up, try new things—and bring you new opportunities.
3. Less is more.
Don’t try to be a jack-of-all-trades. Focus on being really good at just a few things. Hard work is wasted when it’s scattered in too many directions.
4. Tell people how you feel.
If someone hurt your feelings, be honest with them. If you’re having an incredible date with someone and it feels absolutely perfect, let them know what you’re thinking. When you hang up the phone with Mom or Dad, tell them “I love you.” Life’s too short not to say it—and you may never really know when you’ll have the opportunity to say how you feel again.
5. Learn to love change.
The one thing you can count on is change. It will happen, and you can’t avoid it. It won’t always be easy, but change happens for a reason. Learn to be OK with it.
- See more at:
. Learn to love mistakes.
Always remember to learn from your mistakes—and keep growing. Don’t doubt yourself so much. One day you’ll be able look back on your “oops” moments and laugh at them. They are inevitable.
2. Say yes often.
Sometimes stepping outside of your comfort zone and trying something new can be terrifying. But learn to say yes more. It’ll help you to open up, try new things—and bring you new opportunities.
3. Less is more.
Don’t try to be a jack-of-all-trades. Focus on being really good at just a few things. Hard work is wasted when it’s scattered in too many directions.
4. Tell people how you feel.
If someone hurt your feelings, be honest with them. If you’re having an incredible date with someone and it feels absolutely perfect, let them know what you’re thinking. When you hang up the phone with Mom or Dad, tell them “I love you.” Life’s too short not to say it—and you may never really know when you’ll have the opportunity to say how you feel again.
5. Learn to love change.
The one thing you can count on is change. It will happen, and you can’t avoid it. It won’t always be easy, but change happens for a reason. Learn to be OK with it.
- See more at:
. Learn to love mistakes.
Always remember to learn from your mistakes—and keep growing. Don’t doubt yourself so much. One day you’ll be able look back on your “oops” moments and laugh at them. They are inevitable.
2. Say yes often.
Sometimes stepping outside of your comfort zone and trying something new can be terrifying. But learn to say yes more. It’ll help you to open up, try new things—and bring you new opportunities.
3. Less is more.
Don’t try to be a jack-of-all-trades. Focus on being really good at just a few things. Hard work is wasted when it’s scattered in too many directions.
4. Tell people how you feel.
If someone hurt your feelings, be honest with them. If you’re having an incredible date with someone and it feels absolutely perfect, let them know what you’re thinking. When you hang up the phone with Mom or Dad, tell them “I love you.” Life’s too short not to say it—and you may never really know when you’ll have the opportunity to say how you feel again.
5. Learn to love change.
The one thing you can count on is change. It will happen, and you can’t avoid it. It won’t always be easy, but change happens for a reason. Learn to be OK with it.
6. You don’t have as much to lose as you think.
Oftentimes, fear of loss is what prevents us from pursuing our dreams. When you’re right out of college, you don’t have much to lose. Why not start that business you always wanted? I guarantee you, your worst-case scenario is not that bad. And moving back in with Mom and Dad isn’t the end of the world.
7. Stop worrying so much about what other people think.
Letting the opinions of your peers influence your decisions is one of the worst things you can do. You’ll realize later just how foolish it was. The only thing that is important is what you think and feel about yourself. And remember:
8. Be honest with yourself and others.
Always be true to yourself and others. Period. Honesty gives you peace of mind, and peace of mind is priceless. Relationships built on the foundation of lies won’t last.
9. Meet as many new people as you can.
It may not always be clear to you, but the people you meet can help you. Treat everyone like you’d like to be treated and be willing to make new friends. The world is smaller than you think. You’ll be amazed at who is connected to whom.
10. Find time to be alone.
Being alone can be wonderful. Make time for you to hang out with you. Be your own best friend—take yourself out to lunch, take yourself out to a movie, go on a trip alone. I know, the thought of being alone can be overwhelming and scary. But you’ll learn a lot about yourself by just hanging out with you.
11. Learn to ask great questions.
You don’t know everything and odds are you’ll find yourself around people who are a lot smarter than you. Stay curious and ask great questions. Listen more than you talk and keep asking. Some people have incredible stories and lessons to give to you. You just have to willing to ask.
12. Leverage what you’ve got.
Stevie Wonder can’t see, but he has an exceptional ear for music. He exploited that talent and his passion for music. Today he has 25 Grammy awards to show for it. Learn to work with what you’ve got instead of complaining about your situation.
13. Make people feel good.
Never underestimate the power of a simple compliment. Make the people around you feel good, and the world will return the favor. People seem to have a way of remembering the people who made them feel special.
14. Invest in yourself.
Never. Stop. Learning. Yes, school ends at some point, but life is a journey, and if you’re not growing, you’re dying. Learn a new skill, read a new book, learn a language, take a class, learn to dance, learn to play an instrument. It doesn’t matter what you do as long as you invest in yourself and you keep growing.
15. Find something challenging you love doing.
Find something that you’re passionate about and that challenges you. You’ll feel the most rewarded when you do.
16. Learn to love yourself.
You can’t possibly live a fulfilled life until you learn to love yourself completely. When you look in the mirror, tell yourself you’re handsome, or beautiful. Say it often. You’re unique and no one looks quite like you. Embrace it. Love it. Other people will only love you more for it.
17. “Send the elevator back down.” –Kevin Spacey
Once you find yourself in a position to help bring others up to where you are, send the elevator back down. It can be lonely at the top. Help others get to where you are. Mentor, give back, contribute.
18. Enjoy the journey.
We all have goals and aspirations. You’re probably working toward something right now. Achieving what you’ve been working for can be anticlimactic, so learn to love the journey and appreciate all the little failures and wins. You’ll wish you’d stayed in the moment more once you’ve “made it.”
19. It’s you versus you. That’s it.
Stop comparing yourself to others. You might never be the strongest person in the gym, the richest guy on a Forbes list or the fastest guy in the marathon. If that upsets you, you’re missing the point. Instead, concentrate on being better today than you were yesterday. If you keep doing that, you’ll be successful. It may not happen right away, but if you stay focused on improving just a little every day, you’ll amaze yourself.
20. Take big risks.
Go after what you want. Quit your job. Jump out of an airplane. Start a business. Walk up to the beautiful girl eating lunch alone and say hi. You won’t always succeed, but you won’t always fail, either.
21. Rediscover who you were born to be and be that.
Somewhere along the line we forget what made us come alive as kids—the things that used to make us feel amazing. Some of us are born to be writers, poets, musicians, artists or entrepreneurs. Take the time to relearn what makes you feel alive and do more of that. Don’t waste your life fulfilling someone else’s dreams. What the world needs is more people doing what they love.
Life is short but incredible. Wake up and enjoy the ride.
“My father says that almost the whole world is asleep. Everybody you know. Everybody you see. Everybody you talk to. He says that only a few people are awake and they live in a state of constant total amazement.” –Joe Versus the Volcano
The big challenge we all face is how to become all that we can be, but Jim Rohn says we can have more because we can become more. See the 4 powerful words that he says can make living worthwhile—and put them to work today.
- See more at:
. Learn to love mistakes.
Always remember to learn from your mistakes—and keep growing. Don’t doubt yourself so much. One day you’ll be able look back on your “oops” moments and laugh at them. They are inevitable.
2. Say yes often.
Sometimes stepping outside of your comfort zone and trying something new can be terrifying. But learn to say yes more. It’ll help you to open up, try new things—and bring you new opportunities.
3. Less is more.
Don’t try to be a jack-of-all-trades. Focus on being really good at just a few things. Hard work is wasted when it’s scattered in too many directions.
4. Tell people how you feel.
If someone hurt your feelings, be honest with them. If you’re having an incredible date with someone and it feels absolutely perfect, let them know what you’re thinking. When you hang up the phone with Mom or Dad, tell them “I love you.” Life’s too short not to say it—and you may never really know when you’ll have the opportunity to say how you feel again.
5. Learn to love change.
The one thing you can count on is change. It will happen, and you can’t avoid it. It won’t always be easy, but change happens for a reason. Learn to be OK with it.
6. You don’t have as much to lose as you think.
Oftentimes, fear of loss is what prevents us from pursuing our dreams. When you’re right out of college, you don’t have much to lose. Why not start that business you always wanted? I guarantee you, your worst-case scenario is not that bad. And moving back in with Mom and Dad isn’t the end of the world.
7. Stop worrying so much about what other people think.
Letting the opinions of your peers influence your decisions is one of the worst things you can do. You’ll realize later just how foolish it was. The only thing that is important is what you think and feel about yourself. And remember:
8. Be honest with yourself and others.
Always be true to yourself and others. Period. Honesty gives you peace of mind, and peace of mind is priceless. Relationships built on the foundation of lies won’t last.
9. Meet as many new people as you can.
It may not always be clear to you, but the people you meet can help you. Treat everyone like you’d like to be treated and be willing to make new friends. The world is smaller than you think. You’ll be amazed at who is connected to whom.
10. Find time to be alone.
Being alone can be wonderful. Make time for you to hang out with you. Be your own best friend—take yourself out to lunch, take yourself out to a movie, go on a trip alone. I know, the thought of being alone can be overwhelming and scary. But you’ll learn a lot about yourself by just hanging out with you.
11. Learn to ask great questions.
You don’t know everything and odds are you’ll find yourself around people who are a lot smarter than you. Stay curious and ask great questions. Listen more than you talk and keep asking. Some people have incredible stories and lessons to give to you. You just have to willing to ask.
12. Leverage what you’ve got.
Stevie Wonder can’t see, but he has an exceptional ear for music. He exploited that talent and his passion for music. Today he has 25 Grammy awards to show for it. Learn to work with what you’ve got instead of complaining about your situation.
13. Make people feel good.
Never underestimate the power of a simple compliment. Make the people around you feel good, and the world will return the favor. People seem to have a way of remembering the people who made them feel special.
14. Invest in yourself.
Never. Stop. Learning. Yes, school ends at some point, but life is a journey, and if you’re not growing, you’re dying. Learn a new skill, read a new book, learn a language, take a class, learn to dance, learn to play an instrument. It doesn’t matter what you do as long as you invest in yourself and you keep growing.
15. Find something challenging you love doing.
Find something that you’re passionate about and that challenges you. You’ll feel the most rewarded when you do.
16. Learn to love yourself.
You can’t possibly live a fulfilled life until you learn to love yourself completely. When you look in the mirror, tell yourself you’re handsome, or beautiful. Say it often. You’re unique and no one looks quite like you. Embrace it. Love it. Other people will only love you more for it.
17. “Send the elevator back down.” –Kevin Spacey
Once you find yourself in a position to help bring others up to where you are, send the elevator back down. It can be lonely at the top. Help others get to where you are. Mentor, give back, contribute.
18. Enjoy the journey.
We all have goals and aspirations. You’re probably working toward something right now. Achieving what you’ve been working for can be anticlimactic, so learn to love the journey and appreciate all the little failures and wins. You’ll wish you’d stayed in the moment more once you’ve “made it.”
19. It’s you versus you. That’s it.
Stop comparing yourself to others. You might never be the strongest person in the gym, the richest guy on a Forbes list or the fastest guy in the marathon. If that upsets you, you’re missing the point. Instead, concentrate on being better today than you were yesterday. If you keep doing that, you’ll be successful. It may not happen right away, but if you stay focused on improving just a little every day, you’ll amaze yourself.
20. Take big risks.
Go after what you want. Quit your job. Jump out of an airplane. Start a business. Walk up to the beautiful girl eating lunch alone and say hi. You won’t always succeed, but you won’t always fail, either.
21. Rediscover who you were born to be and be that.
Somewhere along the line we forget what made us come alive as kids—the things that used to make us feel amazing. Some of us are born to be writers, poets, musicians, artists or entrepreneurs. Take the time to relearn what makes you feel alive and do more of that. Don’t waste your life fulfilling someone else’s dreams. What the world needs is more people doing what they love.
Life is short but incredible. Wake up and enjoy the ride.
“My father says that almost the whole world is asleep. Everybody you know. Everybody you see. Everybody you talk to. He says that only a few people are awake and they live in a state of constant total amazement.” –Joe Versus the Volcano
The big challenge we all face is how to become all that we can be, but Jim Rohn says we can have more because we can become more. See the 4 powerful words that he says can make living worthwhile—and put them to work today.
- See more at:

Saturday 5 December 2015


   Muhammadu Buhari the present President of the Federal republic of Nigeria, was born on the 17th of December 1942, in Daura, Katsina State, to his father Alhaji Hardo Adamu and Hajiya Zulhatu (nee Musa) his mother. He is the twenty-third child of his Parents. Buhari was raised by his mother, after his father died when he was about four years old.  His paternal grandfather was a typical Fulani who lived the nomadic life but later settled for a life of farming in Daura, Katsina State. His mother later died on the 14th of December, 1988, a few days to his birthday. Buhari, who had just been released from prison, got to Daura a few hours after the burial of his mother. He was not fortunate enough to witness her being interred. Please note that Buhari’s mother was not Fulani but Hausa (Habe) and she was already a widow with seven children when she married Buhari’s father who was the Fulani chief of the Dumurkol Village, near Daura.

      Buhari attended primary school in Daura and Mai'adua before proceeding to Katsina Model School in 1953, and then to Katsina Provincial Secondary School which is now known as Government College Kastina, from 1956 to 1961.
In becoming a soldier, he attended the following institutions:
=>Nigerian Military Training College (NMTC), 1962
=>Mons Officer Cadet School, Aldershot, United Kingdom (1962-1963). Generals Sani Abacha and Obasanjo also attended this academy). In Aldershot, Buhari was described as ‘an only pebble in the beach, a star in his calm and calculating disposition.’
=>Defence Services Staff College (DSSC), Wellington, Tamil Nadu, India (1973), Obasanjo also attended this college 

           He rose steadily through the ranks:
  • -Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, 1963
  • -Platoon Commander, United Nations Peacekeeping Force, Congo, early 1960s.
  • -Platoon Commander, 2nd Infantry Battalion, Abeokuta, Ogun State, 1963.
  • -Mechanical Transport Officer, Lagos Garrison, 1964 – 1965.
  • -Transport Company Commander, 2nd Infantry Brigade 1965 – 1966.
  • -Battalion Adjutant / Commander, 2nd Infantry Brigade/Battalion 1966 – 1967 (during the Nigerian Civil War).
  • -Appointed Brigade Major, 2 Sector, 1st Infantry Division, April -July 1967.
  • Brigade Major, 3rd Infantry Brigade, August 1967 – October 1968;
  • Acting Commander, 4th Sector, 1st Division November 1968 – February 1970;
  • Commander, 31st Infantry Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, February 1970 – June 1971;
  • Assistant Adjutant-General, 1st Infantry Division Hqrs., July 1971 – Dec. 1972;
  • Colonel, General Staff, 3rd Infantry Div. Hqrs. Jan. 1974 – Sept. 1974.
  • Acting Director, Supply and Transport, Nigeria Army Corps of Supply and Transport, September 1974 – July 1975;
  • Military Governor, North Eastern State of Nigeria, August 1975 – March 1976;
  • Federal Commissioner for Petroleum Resources, March 1976 to June 1978;
  • Chairman, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, June 1978 – July 1978;
  • Military Secretary, Army Headquarters July 1978 – June 1979;
  • Member Supreme Military Council, March 1976 – June 1979;
  • General Officer Commanding, 4th Infantry Division, Aug. 1980 – Jan. 1981;
  • General Officer Commanding, 2nd Mechanised Infantry Division, Jan. 1981 – October 1981;
  • General Officer Commanding 3rd Armed Division Nigerian Army, October 1981 – December 1983.
  • I n 1983, Major-General Buhari and Major-General Tunde Idiagbon were selected to lead the country by middle and high-ranking military officers after a successful military coup d'etat that overthrew civilian President Shehu Shagari on December. In 1985, Buhari was himself overthrown in a coup led by General Ibrahim Babangida on August 27th, and other members of the ruling Supreme Military Council (SMC) ostensibly, because he insisted on investigating allegations of fraudulent award of contracts in the Ministry of Defence.
    Between 1995 and 1998, Buhari served as the Chairman of the Petroleum Trust Fund (PTF), a body created by the government of General Sani Abacha, and funded from the revenue generated by the increase in price of petroleum products, to pursue developmental projects around the country.
    Buhari contested the Presidential election as the candidate of the All Nigeria People's Party in 2003 and lost to former president Olusegun Obasanjo.

    Again, he contested under the ANPP banner in 2007 against Late Umaru Musa Yar’adua of the PDP and lost.
    In March 2010, Buhari left the ANPP for the Congress for Progressive Change (CPC), a party that he had helped to found.
    Buhari was the CPC Presidential candidate in the 16 April 2011 general election, in which he lost to incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan of the People's Democratic Party (PDP).
    Despite He had contested three times in a row and lost, he did not loose hope.

     Again he contested in the 2015 Presidential election which he won and is now the President and Grand Commander in Chief of Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. 

Tuesday 1 December 2015


             There are so many countries in the world. Some sources will say there are 181, 190, 195, or even 200 countries in the world. This is dependent on what they feel permits one to call a certain geographical region country. A source I read from sometime ago says there are 196 countries in the world except you don't count Taiwan. But sourcing from Wikipedia we will find that there are 195 countries in the world.
              As many as this countries are, they are also graded according to the Richest and the Poorest based on the Economy of the country compared to the economy of other countries and Average annual income per person. This article only gives the list of the 10 World richest countries and the average annual income per person. subsequent articles will also touch the aspect of poorest countries.

1. QATAR is the first on the list with an average annual income of   $146,011

2. LUXEMBOURG the second on the list with an average annual income of   $94,167
3. SINGAPORE the third richest with an average annual income of   $84,821
4. BRUNEI is the fourth on the list with an average annual income of   $80,335
5. KUWAIT is the fifth richest with an average annual income of   $71,600
6. NORWAY is the sixth on the list with an average annual income of   $67,619
7.  UNITED ARAB EMIRATE(UAE) the seventh with an average annual income of   $67,201
8. HONG KONG the eighth world richest country with an average annual income of   $57,676
9. THE UNITED STATES. The almighty United States is the ninth richest country with an average annual income of   $57,045
10. SWITZERLAND is the tenth richest country in the world with an average annual income of     $56,815