Tuesday, 17 September 2019

The Power of Challenges

We are all probably familiar with situations where we were challenged to do something we wouldn't normally do and are expected to be unable to do it, but then gave it a try and surprisingly did it even more than anyone would have expected. That's a very familiar scenario of the demonstration of the Power of Challenge which is believed to bring out the best of people or make someone better. A rather unpopular scenario is the effect of life challenges on us.This scenario will help us understand that Challenges do not make us better persons, They help bring out our Real personalities, real abilities, real intentions, the truth.
Most of us don't know this but majority of us are living our life based on comfortable decisions. 
*****Some of us who are doing very well in life are only lucky to not have faced serious challenges, If there were Challenges, many of the lucky ones wouldn't make it successful, because they would have chickened out to a more comfortable idea than the one that made them successful based on which they would have failed or managed to succeed a little. Lets say, you are a Musician, you had all equipment around you for making music and suddenly everything crashes down for some reason. One who is really passionate about making music will find some other way to still make music, but the other person who just doing it because it was very comfortable to do will say, "Well, everything has crashed down, I guess God doesn't want me to make Music, maybe its not my destiny" and then give up. A more general example will be where you have to make a very big and Hard decision that will help you follow your dreams, but because its not that comfortable easy decision we are used to, most of us give up our dreams, saying we can't take risks.

*****This power of Challenge is not just limited to success in life but even success in relationships. A lot of the people you are friends with only keep in touch or Spend time with you because its very comfortable to do so, mostly because they have a lot of free time, are bored, Lonely etc. Make doing all of that a little more challenging and some of them will be no where to be found. The Challenges can be, Lets say, they got a job, they got busy, or they got engaged, or they traveled abroad, or they made new friends,etc. These factors are meant to be challenges which is supposed to make us work a little harder to maintain close to same level of connection as we had when these challenges weren't there, but instead we decide to make the more comfortable decision and say "SORRY I'M BUSY THESE DAYS." Well, Sorry, not Sorry.

      "If a Challenge can stop you from doing what you claimed to love, then you never really loved it."
Nonetheless, we are Human beings and never really completely understand ourselves so its never too late to start making that effort towards what you love. It will not make you better, You already have the strength, Use that strength.  Its just a Challenge, an Obstacle, not the end.
Make That Effort!
Chase that Dream!!
Have Fun!!!