So, I was doing a research recently on why Mosquitoes bite some people more than the others. Most of the results I found were still based on Hypothesis and not scientifically proven. These results blamed Blood types and many other factors I consider Inconsequetial and Pointless.
So i decided to base my research on a combination of Science and Logic.
So i decided to base my research on a combination of Science and Logic.
First, Lets talk about these Mosquitoes and their Survival Strategy for a second.
Mosquitoes, specifically the female ones, just like every other creature require food for survival, but unlike many other creatures, their Food is Human Blood, and to get this Blood, they locate the Human skin and pierce it to suck the blood, Not to harm but to Survive. Since they don't have eyes to see humans and say "There they are, lets go suck some blood", they developed a strategy with which they can detect the presence of a human being and find their way to the blood in the vein. This Strategy is described as follows:
First, they detect the presence of CO2 in the air which is a gas exhaled by Humans, Then they trace the source of this gas with the assurance it has to be a Human Being. They don't necessarily get to the source of this gas but the area most concentrated with this gas and then use the second technique.
The second technique is finding the skin through the use of sensors which help to detect the source of Heat Emission, since the Human Skin constantly emits Heat due to a process we will talk about soon.
Then they thrust their proboscis into the skin and suck as much blood as they need, not so much, probably because they are very small.
Now, the main point of this research: Since Mosquitoes detect their feast based on Heat Emissions, and its also very well known that Intelligent people tend to think and have more Brain Activity which generates more body heat and eventually more skin Heat Emissions, based on a combination of Science and Logic of these two factors, we can Comfortably say "Mosquitoes tend to bite the More Intelligent People"
Thanks for reading.
Thanks for reading.