Obinna Eva
Obinna Eva Official blog for all Latest Project Updates and Creative Blog Posts
Thursday, 1 April 2021
Thursday, 27 February 2020
Why You Are Ugly
The topic of this blog might hit really hard because of my choice of words, but isn't that how we really feel about ourselves or others sometimes? ofcus Yes. Ugliness can be a very subjective idea, which is why we came up with the quote "Beauty is in the eyes of the Beholder" just so we can all feel beautiful in our different forms. But does that even really work these days, with the continuous definition of standards of what various parts of the body should look like, what size the nose, mouth, ears, bum should be to look good, etcetera etcetera..? I doubt so, well we will find out if you don't quit reading halfway the article to reply to a surprising message from your crush.
Ugliness according the dictionary is the quality of being unpleasant in appearance, another interesting definition says aesthetically unattractive. In other words, Ugliness is simply not meeting majority of the man-made standard of what a beautiful person should look like. Now, As much as most of us would always deny the fact that we find some people ugly, we still end up proving ourselves wrong in some way. Take for example, a girl who tells her friend everyday that she(her friend) is beautiful, but then her brother tells her to hook him up with a beautiful girl and then she immediately remembers all the standards of what a beautiful person looks like and forgets her friend who she's always reminded is beautiful. Or a lady who says her man is handsome but still goes ahead to say things like he's not that good looking but I still love him. This shows that we have all being affected by this beauty standards and it shows no matter how much we try to hide it. Proves that we only tell people they are beautiful, just to be supportive, not because we really think so. Damn! We are all fucked.
Now, Physical beauty standards might have being messed up so bad, but behavioral hasn't. There are so many more forms of Ugliness we have power over, Bad Behaviors, Gestures, Personality, Intentions, Attitude, Mental state, Health, Wealth, Energy, Vibe, we can keep naming till the trumpet blows. And a lot of these may have similar meanings but you get the point. The physical forms of Ugliness are Harmless but these other forms can be really Harmful because A bad personality will always bring down a pretty face.
In conclusion, Its OK to feel like you don't meet the Physical beauty standards, Its OK for your nose to look really big or very small, its OK to be short, extremely tall, Its OK to think your head shape is not that cute, maybe because its really big, 'lol'. But you can't limit your Beauty to all of that, There's so much more you can offer and when you begin to pay attention to this so much more, everything begins to change. All these above are OK but they tend to affect your self esteem when you can't see past them. It doesn't always have to be about the face or body shape. Don't let people tell you you are beautiful just to be supportive because, YOU ARE REALLY BEAUTIFUL, you just need to know it and shine it. You have a beautiful smile, You have an amazing personality, the way you care about people is so so attractive, the positive vibe you give off is Damn sexy, your amazing mental state, how happy you are is Gorgeous, Your intentions towards people is immaculate, your gestures are to die for, Your creativity is saucy and I can't wait to marry you and have kids with you, The way you react to situations is why I will always love you. With all these other beauties, every other thing looks even more beautiful, even the physical. Yes, you might probably not expect a lot of right swipes on Tinder or to be hit on a lot on the street or lots of slides in the dm, and that's because most of these are solely based on stupid beauty standards, they have no idea the million more beauties you have to offer, and it shouldn't affect your self esteem a bit because your confidence does not and should not depend on it. Just keep shinning what makes you BEAUTIFUL, Let your confidence depend on it, focus on your most confidence self and every other part of you radiates same energy and attracts people of similar energy.
You might not believe this but your confidence in your beauty shows in your pictures, so when it looks bad, its because you think you are not beautiful and my friend I hate to say this but, this is WHY YOU ARE UGLY.
Tuesday, 17 September 2019
The Power of Challenges
We are all probably familiar with situations where we were challenged to do something we wouldn't normally do and are expected to be unable to do it, but then gave it a try and surprisingly did it even more than anyone would have expected. That's a very familiar scenario of the demonstration of the Power of Challenge which is believed to bring out the best of people or make someone better. A rather unpopular scenario is the effect of life challenges on us.This scenario will help us understand that Challenges do not make us better persons, They help bring out our Real personalities, real abilities, real intentions, the truth.
Most of us don't know this but majority of us are living our life based on comfortable decisions.
*****Some of us who are doing very well in life are only lucky to not have faced serious challenges, If there were Challenges, many of the lucky ones wouldn't make it successful, because they would have chickened out to a more comfortable idea than the one that made them successful based on which they would have failed or managed to succeed a little. Lets say, you are a Musician, you had all equipment around you for making music and suddenly everything crashes down for some reason. One who is really passionate about making music will find some other way to still make music, but the other person who just doing it because it was very comfortable to do will say, "Well, everything has crashed down, I guess God doesn't want me to make Music, maybe its not my destiny" and then give up. A more general example will be where you have to make a very big and Hard decision that will help you follow your dreams, but because its not that comfortable easy decision we are used to, most of us give up our dreams, saying we can't take risks.
*****This power of Challenge is not just limited to success in life but even success in relationships. A lot of the people you are friends with only keep in touch or Spend time with you because its very comfortable to do so, mostly because they have a lot of free time, are bored, Lonely etc. Make doing all of that a little more challenging and some of them will be no where to be found. The Challenges can be, Lets say, they got a job, they got busy, or they got engaged, or they traveled abroad, or they made new friends,etc. These factors are meant to be challenges which is supposed to make us work a little harder to maintain close to same level of connection as we had when these challenges weren't there, but instead we decide to make the more comfortable decision and say "SORRY I'M BUSY THESE DAYS." Well, Sorry, not Sorry.
"If a Challenge can stop you from doing what you claimed to love, then you never really loved it."
Nonetheless, we are Human beings and never really completely understand ourselves so its never too late to start making that effort towards what you love. It will not make you better, You already have the strength, Use that strength. Its just a Challenge, an Obstacle, not the end.
Make That Effort!
Chase that Dream!!
Have Fun!!!
Most of us don't know this but majority of us are living our life based on comfortable decisions.
*****This power of Challenge is not just limited to success in life but even success in relationships. A lot of the people you are friends with only keep in touch or Spend time with you because its very comfortable to do so, mostly because they have a lot of free time, are bored, Lonely etc. Make doing all of that a little more challenging and some of them will be no where to be found. The Challenges can be, Lets say, they got a job, they got busy, or they got engaged, or they traveled abroad, or they made new friends,etc. These factors are meant to be challenges which is supposed to make us work a little harder to maintain close to same level of connection as we had when these challenges weren't there, but instead we decide to make the more comfortable decision and say "SORRY I'M BUSY THESE DAYS." Well, Sorry, not Sorry.
"If a Challenge can stop you from doing what you claimed to love, then you never really loved it."
Nonetheless, we are Human beings and never really completely understand ourselves so its never too late to start making that effort towards what you love. It will not make you better, You already have the strength, Use that strength. Its just a Challenge, an Obstacle, not the end.
Make That Effort!
Chase that Dream!!
Have Fun!!!
Saturday, 4 May 2019
Friendship ; A Technological Point of View
Judging from my Life experiences, I am not the best person to write about this topic, I mean! I haven't being the best person to be friends with, *sucks*, maybe because coaches don't play, haha. The truth is, I am not the best because no one is cus We're all learners in this thing called LIFE.
So, Friendship, Technological, you would wonder how these two relate. I will try my hardest to make this as clear as possible. For this illustration, we will be using the mobile phone as our sample
* With the preinstalled or Inbuilt applications in our mobile phones, our mobile phones function very well and we can choose to use them like that as long as we want. But then due to need for something new or to carry out more activities, we get attracted to some new applications which we choose to install on our phones. Remember we choose them unlike the inbuilt applications which we don't get to choose. Not just that, we also choose when to uninstall them. This Applications are our Friends. Despite we can still function great being on our own, we still get to want to bond with new people from time to time. This people we choose whether to welcome them into our lives or not and also get to decide when we want them out of our lives.
* With this intentionally installed applications, from time to time some applications become outdated and if we don't update them, they begin to function abnormally, and also since the mobile phone updates its operating system from time to time, they become incompatible with the mobile phones, they become hard to use. This is same with our Friends. Their personalities keep evolving. With time you notice some changes which could be due to change in environment, change from yourself, or just because change is constant. Now if you don't update yourself i.e get used to this new version of them, you will keep throwing tantrums and keep having misunderstandings and quarrels with them. You become incompatible with them.
* At one point or the other, some applications become useless. You can choose to uninstall them and save your mobile phone space and help it run better or you can choose to keep them and slow down your phone running speed for no good reason and still occupy memory space. Some applications become bugs to our mobile phone, they begin to cause problems rather than support our phones. Friends are the same, there are friends we have made who don't impact us in any good way. Some who have become toxic to us and only make us worse human beings. We can choose to keep them and just waste our time, life, cause ourselves headaches for no good reason and just make life harder to live or we can just get rid them, cut them from our lives and keep only the people who support and impact us positively.
* There are applications we have loved that aren't really compatible with our mobile phones. Sometimes due to desperation, we find a way to force install them. At the end of the day, they end up causing problems for our phones which we can choose to keep bearing and reduce our phone lifespan or delete this apps and save the life of our phones. In the same way, there are people we have met who we don't really connect or vibe with, but due to desperation for power or some sort of need, we welcome them into lives and they end up being disasters to our lives and causing lots of havoc, which we can choose to bear and suffer stress which reduces our life span or get rid of them as soon as we can.
* There are some applications we need but never keep. We install them when we need them and uninstall immediately after use and install them again when next we need them. These are those friends we never really care for. But always find ourselves around them when we need their help. You might think you are not one of those who keep this kind of friends, but you agree you will most probably be this kind of friend to someone.
* When our phones stop working, or die, these applications we loved so much still keep functioning for other phones and don't stop working just because the phone stopped working. Infact, we can send them to other phones and they will function perfectly. This applies to us. When we die, everybody goes about their daily lives, all the friends we lived our lives to impress, all the friends who told us we are their lifelines and all the sweet things they called us like Blood, my world e.t.c. no longer make sense. Life just goes on for others even after it ends for us.
* There are some apps which manufacturers make as optional to delete but warn us that it may affect the normal running of the system. When we go ahead to delete them despite the warning sometimes it actually affects normal running of the system so we are forced to find this apps to reinstall them. Yes, some friends are like God sent. When we in our stupidity try to get rid of them, God warns us, though we never really understand, so after we lose them, we find ourselves going back to them to beg them to come back into our lives, because without them our lives are just like a huge MESS. Its with this that I want appreciate this kind of friends in my own life. I am sure they read till here. Thank You.
Sunday, 7 April 2019
Why Mosquitoes tend to Bite the More Intelligent People

So, I was doing a research recently on why Mosquitoes bite some people more than the others. Most of the results I found were still based on Hypothesis and not scientifically proven. These results blamed Blood types and many other factors I consider Inconsequetial and Pointless.
So i decided to base my research on a combination of Science and Logic.
So i decided to base my research on a combination of Science and Logic.
First, Lets talk about these Mosquitoes and their Survival Strategy for a second.
Mosquitoes, specifically the female ones, just like every other creature require food for survival, but unlike many other creatures, their Food is Human Blood, and to get this Blood, they locate the Human skin and pierce it to suck the blood, Not to harm but to Survive. Since they don't have eyes to see humans and say "There they are, lets go suck some blood", they developed a strategy with which they can detect the presence of a human being and find their way to the blood in the vein. This Strategy is described as follows:
First, they detect the presence of CO2 in the air which is a gas exhaled by Humans, Then they trace the source of this gas with the assurance it has to be a Human Being. They don't necessarily get to the source of this gas but the area most concentrated with this gas and then use the second technique.
The second technique is finding the skin through the use of sensors which help to detect the source of Heat Emission, since the Human Skin constantly emits Heat due to a process we will talk about soon.
Then they thrust their proboscis into the skin and suck as much blood as they need, not so much, probably because they are very small.
Now, the main point of this research: Since Mosquitoes detect their feast based on Heat Emissions, and its also very well known that Intelligent people tend to think and have more Brain Activity which generates more body heat and eventually more skin Heat Emissions, based on a combination of Science and Logic of these two factors, we can Comfortably say "Mosquitoes tend to bite the More Intelligent People"
Thanks for reading.
Thanks for reading.
Wednesday, 23 August 2017
She's Got a Man - Eva Garu (Audio Download)
Eva Garu out with Another, This one is Titled "She's got a Man".
Its an Audio to a Music Short film to be out by 25th August, 2017.
In the song he sings about a Girl he is in love with
but can't say it to her as she has a Man Already.
He expresses a Complicated feeling; his Grief and at the same time tells himself
the truth of not needing to go after her since she has a Man
already. You have to get the rest yourself. Listen to it while you await the Visuals.
Wednesday, 2 November 2016
Eva Garu - Memories(.mp3) Download
Nigerian Singer Eva residing in India out with what he calls his very first Self written song.
The song narrates the story of a guy struggling through the process of Letting his crush know his Feelings and expecting a Yes from Her. Consider finding out what he got.
Download audio below and Enjoy!
Download "Memories" by Eva Garu
The song narrates the story of a guy struggling through the process of Letting his crush know his Feelings and expecting a Yes from Her. Consider finding out what he got.
Download audio below and Enjoy!
Download "Memories" by Eva Garu
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