Skin cells, sweat, dust mites … don’t even think about what’s building up on the sheets you dive into each night. Just wash them. Once a week or every other week should do it unless you’re an especially damp sleeper.2. MAKEUP BRUSHES: EVERY MONTH
You do clean your makeup brushes, right? Right? If not, now’s the time to start. Even if the thought of sweeping bacteria onto your face doesn’t gross you out, think about the fact that a dirty brush is full of old product. Cleaning your brushes refreshes them and makes them both more effective and more likely to last. Never done it before? Start now.3. PILLOWS: EVERY 6 MONTHS
Yes, you need to wash your pillows. You also need to replace them every few years. If you’re still laying your head on the pillow from your childhood bedroom (or even your college dorm room), it’s time for a trip to the store.4. DISH TOWELS: EVERY WEEK
Your dish towels are like little garbage cans, collecting not only tiny bits of food but also any bacteria and viruses that live on your kitchen counters, in your dishes, and on your hands.5. BRA: EVERY 3 TO 4 WEARS
It’s hard to find a bra that fits you well. Once you’ve got one, you can make it last by hand-washing it gently only every three to four wears. Hang your bras up to dry; the heat of a dryer can damage their elastic. If hand-washing is just too much hassle, you can wash your bras in a lingerie bag in cold water on the gentle cycle.6. BATH TOWELS: EVERY 3 TO 4 USES
Not only are bath towels rubbed all over your body, but they’re also soaked with water every time you use them, and we all know how much bacteria love water.7. BOXERS: EVERYDAY
Boxers seems to cloth one of the most sensitive part of the Masculine body. And Every normal Human being urinates like two to four times a day, After urinating, you cant just avoid droplets of urine staining your boxers. When this is not washed and worn more than once, it creates a suitable environment for Bacteria to act.
Handkerchief should be washed at every opportunity you get, though depending on the usage. When used for dirty jobs like cleaning sits, Same shouldn't be used on the face and should be washed once the need arises. Face Handkerchief should be washed every day or during the day if need be.
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