Rights are not actually denied, they are taken advantage of.
An Opportunity will come only but once, learn to create so you don't have to wait for the one that comes once all the time.
In the World today, we can all choose to succeed individually and leave others behind, thereby going further to take advantage of other people's failure. To improve the standard of all and for the World as a whole to grow, it needs everyone of us, the English people call it "Division of labor".
Everyone is born with two qualities, the Political Quality and the Public Speaking Quality.
Political quality to Lead and to follow.
Public speaking to enable the leader reveal his aims, objectives and policies,
And to enable the follower express his thoughts, feelings, criticisms and generally air his views.
Everyone of us falls under any duo of the aforementioned categories and so no one has a reason to say that he is not in power and so can do nothing to contribute to the growth of the community or worst of all; feel depressed among others.
In any category we find ourselves, we should all be activists, we should always fight for the right course and not relent even in the hottest phase of the fight. To achieve this, we all have to play our individual role utilizing the available resources and creating more opportunities.
As Followers, we fall under one of two categories; those whose voices are heard and those in the grassroots.
Those whose voices are heard directly by the leaders should act as mediators by passing the complaints of the populace to the leaders without alteration and fighting for the rights of the people.
Those in the grassroots play their role by making known whatever feelings they have and suggestions they have to the Government.
The mediators are no less than the followers, they are only opportune to be easily heard by the leaders and so should make proper usage of the privilege to the favor of the populace.
Mediators can be Family members of the leaders, those having any form of relationship with those in power, those who control trends on social media platforms like twitter, Facebook e.t.c, Those seen as celebrities in the society, Artists who can mediate through their music and art, to mention a few.
You found yourselves in these positions is only but a privilege which you should utilize to the favor of the People. Make the Leaders feel the pains and Tribulations of the "Hoi Polloi."
You are one of those who think their voices cannot be heard?
Remember there is a leader who doesn't need a mediator to hear the pleas of his people, He is a supreme being, he sees all, knows all and cares for all, He is everywhere, He knows the present, the past and the future.
Talk to God in Prayer, he listens.
Remember the world will only be a better place if we as inhabitants choose to make it be.
Make your decisions, I have made mine.
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